Menstrual cycle dysfunction in athletes
Bruinvels, G., Burden, R., Brown, N., Richards, T., & Pedlar, C. (2016). The Prevalence and Impact of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia) in Elite and Non-Elite Athletes. PLoS One, 11(2), e0149881. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149881
Gordon, C. M., Ackerman, K. E., Berga, S. L., Kaplan, J. R., Mastorakos, G., Misra, M., . . . Warren, M. P. (2017). Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 102(5), 1413-1439. doi:10.1210/jc.2017-00131
Hagmar, M., Berglund, B., Brismar, K., & Hirschberg, A. L. (2009). Hyperandrogenism may explain reproductive dysfunction in olympic athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41(6), 1241-1248. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e318195a21a
Mountjoy, M., Sundgot-Borgen, J., Burke, L., Carter, S., Constantini, N., Lebrun, C., . . . Ljungqvist, A. (2014). The IOC consensus statement: beyond the Female Athlete Triad--Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). Br J Sports Med, 48(7), 491-497. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-093502
Oh, J. Y., Sung, Y. A., & Lee, H. J. (2014). Clinical implications of menstrual cycle length in oligomenorrhoeic young women. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 80(1), 115-121. doi:10.1111/cen.12243
Redman, L. M., & Loucks, A. B. (2005). Menstrual disorders in athletes. Sports Med, 35(9), 747-755. doi:10.2165/00007256-200535090-00002
Teede, H. J., Misso, M. L., Boyle, J. A., Garad, R. M., McAllister, V., Downes, L., . . . International, P. N. (2018). Translation and implementation of the Australian-led PCOS guideline: clinical summary and translation resources from the International Evidence-based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Med J Aust, 209(S7), S3-S8.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). Endometriosis in Australia: prevalence and hospitalisations. Canberra: AIHW.
Bruinvels, G., Burden, R., Brown, N., Richards, T., & Pedlar, C. (2016). The Prevalence and Impact of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia) in Elite and Non-Elite Athletes. PLoS One, 11(2), e0149881. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149881
Gordon, C. M., Ackerman, K. E., Berga, S. L., Kaplan, J. R., Mastorakos, G., Misra, M., . . . Warren, M. P. (2017). Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 102(5), 1413-1439. doi:10.1210/jc.2017-00131
Hagmar, M., Berglund, B., Brismar, K., & Hirschberg, A. L. (2009). Hyperandrogenism may explain reproductive dysfunction in olympic athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41(6), 1241-1248. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e318195a21a
Mountjoy, M., Sundgot-Borgen, J., Burke, L., Carter, S., Constantini, N., Lebrun, C., . . . Ljungqvist, A. (2014). The IOC consensus statement: beyond the Female Athlete Triad--Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). Br J Sports Med, 48(7), 491-497. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-093502
Oh, J. Y., Sung, Y. A., & Lee, H. J. (2014). Clinical implications of menstrual cycle length in oligomenorrhoeic young women. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 80(1), 115-121. doi:10.1111/cen.12243
Redman, L. M., & Loucks, A. B. (2005). Menstrual disorders in athletes. Sports Med, 35(9), 747-755. doi:10.2165/00007256-200535090-00002
Teede, H. J., Misso, M. L., Boyle, J. A., Garad, R. M., McAllister, V., Downes, L., . . . International, P. N. (2018). Translation and implementation of the Australian-led PCOS guideline: clinical summary and translation resources from the International Evidence-based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Med J Aust, 209(S7), S3-S8.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). Endometriosis in Australia: prevalence and hospitalisations. Canberra: AIHW.